Meet The Artist - Alison Lingley
Published date: 21 December 2018

Interviewed By Leonie Elizabeth Motler
Introducing Alison Lingley, illustrator of the hilarious Alison’s Animals products. Below you can find out what medium Alison prefers, why she wouldn't explore a new planet and how many animals she really does have.
Where do you take inspiration from for your artwork?
I’ve always loved animals and the countryside — I started off with a hamster as a small child, which quickly grew to a collection of rabbits, gerbils, guinea-pigs, mice and my first Jack Russel Terrier. When I wasn’t looking after them I could be found helping out at our local riding stables. It naturally followed that animals in all their glorious shapes, sizes and personalities were a natural subject for my cartoons.
How did you choose the art medium you use and what makes you so passionate about it?
Slightly mundane I’m afraid. I use ink and watercolour because it’s quick and relatively easy to control. I’ve dabbled with oils but lack the patience to let them dry.
Do you have a message to convey through your artwork?
Only my great love of animals and appreciation of everything they add to our lives. Love, friendship, fun, hair, fox poo ……
Is there anything you really want to paint/draw or anything you really wish to achieve with your art?
I draw what makes me happy. If other people take pleasure from my cartoons too, then that’s enough.
What is your favourite month of the year?
I couldn’t possibly say, I’d worry the other months would feel left out.
What do you like to do when you’re not creating art, any interesting hobbies?
I currently share my life with three dogs, three ponies, eight hens, four alpacas and a pet turkey, so my spare time is pretty much spoken for !
Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?
I’d like to visit a new planet, but I would fear bringing back some deadly disease. I think I’ll stick where I am.
Would you rather wake up as a new random person every year and have full control of them for the whole year or once a week spend a day as a stranger without having any control of them?
I don’t want to control anyone — although I’d like to spend a day as one of my dogs, they’re pretty spoilt. My days are full of variation so I’m pretty happy, thanks
If you enjoyed Alison’s interviewed and want to see more of her products you can here. Or find her website or on Twitter here.
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